My friends and I decide to take a cruse for the last days together before we went off to college. We packed up our bags and were off on massive ship our destination was the Disney island. The first day was so much fun playing in the arcades and then swimming. It was not until the 2nd day when things change. The Disney ship which we were was highjack by pirates. We didn't know what to do everyone was screaming . Once the pirates all got on board then round up all the passengers and took us to the one part of the boat where I never knew existed. I looked for my best friend KIm to see where she was I asked her what she thought they were going to do with us. She said " be quiet Cherise before you give them ideals". Then I asked her where was our other friend Jenny. No one knew where she was.
To be continue............
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Describe the youngest person you know.
The youngest person I know is my little cousin alex. He is 11 and in the sixth grade. He is about five feet and three inches. He happens to be the most playful person i have ever known. He plays baseball like the rest of tue family. We go every weekend to go and see him play at tue park. He tells me that when he grows up he wants to be a baseball player. He is my cousin because my mother and his mother are sister. Our families do everything together. I was there when he was born. And he tries to tell me that he was there for my birth but I tell him he was not even thought about then. He is the youngest person I know because he is the last person that I know who was born.
Describe the oldest person you know.
The oldest person I know is my grand aunt Joanne. She lives in California like the rest of my family except form a couple of people. She is very active for her age she grew up in Belize with my grandmother. My aunt is sometimes more active than I am at times. She likes to do yoga and run and if their is a sale she goes shopping. When I was younger she use to tell me stories about when she was younger and growing up in Belize. I always fond out that we could talk about anything. She has very long hair and looks like she could be in a magazine. I was always told that I got my height from my aunt . She is the same height as I am and has the same shape to.
Describe your favorite season . Tell what kinds of things you do during that season.
I was born in the winter I think that is why I like winter so much. Other people I know like summer. The reason why I like winter so much is because I like to stay at home at watch movies with my family. My family is always busy but during the winter when it rains to hard mother would decid that she would call in for a sick day of work and neither I or my brother would go to school. We would just stay at home and watch movies all day long. We found it as a way to catch with each others lifes. The the other reason I like winer is because I the way I could the rain outside when the cars on the street pass my house. And when was younger my brother and I use to run down the street to the bakery . Where whoevr loses would have to buy the winner cake. I also like staying inside drinking hot chocolate and reading my favorite book.
How old were you four years ago? Describe some of the things you could do now that you could do now.
Four years ago does not seem that long ago but for a teenagers it seems like another life time. Four years ago I was just about to gradrate from middle school and enter the dangerous world of high school. I still thought I could do anything I want to and get Away with it. I was not allowed to stay up pass midnight with friends or stay home alone for a day. Now since I am soon approaching the age of adult hood my moths has greatly loosen the bult on me . If I go out with a friend she is ok with it. I am aloud to go see a horror film by myself and with friends. But there is still one thing I am not allowed to do yet which is to drive. I ask my mother over and over when can I practice. I think she thinks if I get my licenses she has lost her baby forever. Some other things I could not do when I was younger was ride the bus public bus. Now that I am older I have learn to appreciate the things I did with my mother when I was younger because I am now getting older and will not always be around my mother forever.
My own restaurant
It's called the sea breeze , about a mile up on the pacific coast high way is where you can find us. When you first enter the restaurant you can smell the fresh seafood that was just caught from the ocean floor. The inside of the resturant is painted all blue the color of the sea. Our most poplar dish is called California dream. We start off with a fresh piece of halibut we take it and grill it on both sides until it is brown. Then for the sides we have a fresh steam white rice or vegetables. On Sundays we have a all you can lobster festival at the end of each month. We are known for or deserts we have a wonderful red velvet cake and fesh made ice icream. So whenever you are in the neughborhood just stop on by to ge lunch or dinner.
Brother Or Sister
My mother had two children myself and my older brother.My older brother believes that girls and boys can not coexist, so he has made it apart of his life to get on my nerves the best way he sees fit. My brother does everything he can to get me angry. One time for my tenth birthday he tried to beat me down when i was coming out of the shower. And on other occasions he tries to trip me . One time my brother tried to destroy my science project, my mother got very mad and made him redo the whole thing. But now since i have grown older i have come up with my own ways of getting my brother back for the things he has down to me. My mother has called says that one day she was going to run away from the both of us. And we both told her that one person would not be at home when she returned.
My brother is just know starting to become normal as i see it , we just know starting to get along with each other. Sometimes we can talk with each other for hours with out one of us being mad at on another. But when that is over we are back at each others throats . My mother says that we are like the four seasons always changing and fighting against another. I have tired several times to sell my brother but at the end of the day i really do love my older brother and i know he loves me to.
My brother is just know starting to become normal as i see it , we just know starting to get along with each other. Sometimes we can talk with each other for hours with out one of us being mad at on another. But when that is over we are back at each others throats . My mother says that we are like the four seasons always changing and fighting against another. I have tired several times to sell my brother but at the end of the day i really do love my older brother and i know he loves me to.
The Baby Dragon
Once upon a time there was a baby dragon name George . George was always picked on at dragon because he was different. Whenever George tried to breath fire skillets came out of his mouth.All of the dragons would laugh at him from across the land. One day George came home from dragon school telling his mother he didn't want to go back ti dragon school because everyone was making fun of him. His mother told him that it was o.k being different from the rest of the dragons. That being different makes you special from the rest of the dragons and that many dragons are angry at him for that reason only. So on the next day George went back to school and ran right into the school bully name Ladon. Ladon was about twice the height of George and could breath fire out of his mouth. Ladon got very angry when George ran into him and challenge George to fight after school.
George went to class in a hurry and tried to forget about the morning all day but he couldn't. He finally was released into his last class and it was about to end When school was over George quickly ran to the front gate to home but was caught by Ladon. Ladon told George that he was going to beat him into a pan cake. George tried to huddle into a ball and then remember what his mother told him and opened his mouth at Ladon and skillets came out. Ladon was caught off guard and couldn't protect himself . Ladon flew away and after everyone was cheering for George . George became very popular after the fight with Ladon and no one else want to make fun of him after that point on.
What do you like best about your home?
About two years ago my mother woke the whole family up at 3a.m to go to black Friday sale at Walmart. Our goal was to pick up at 32 inch flat screen HD T.V. Once we pick it up and took it home that has been the best thing in our house ever since. I wake up early on Saturday mornings to watch cartoons before anyone in the house. On Sunday mornings it's very hard to get my brother away from the t.v because of football games. One time my mother threaten my brother and I that she was going to through away the t.v so we got together and the t.v from our mother. The flat screen t.v is the best thing in my house because it's still the newest and one thing the whole family had to wake up really early to go and get.
Prompt #15: More and more farmers and food manufactures are genetically modifying their crops to reduce susceptibility to diseases, improve flavor, and reduce costs. Do you think genetically modifying foods is a good idea? Why or Why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
When you walk through the different aisles of your local grocery store what do you see? When you shop for your favorite foods do you shop for the flavors or the health contact of it? Many consumers are unaware of what is put into their favorite food products. With the slow economy many farmers are trying ways that slashes the growing process in half.
Giant companies and small town farmers are turning to genetically modifying crops. Without knowing the side effects of modifying crops companies and farmers are putting the life of many people on the line in order to produces crops in record time. “Environmental activists, religious organizations, public interest groups, professional associations and other scientists and government officials have all raised concerns about GM foods and critized agribusiness for pursuing profit without concern for potential hazards, and the government for failing to exercise adequate regulatory oversight (Whitman, Deborah).”
Genetically modifying crops has become more popular than ever before with the lack of water in many rural areas. Health specialist and private organizations are wondering how the government will educate the public on GM products. GM products are suppose to reduce the time a regular crop is produced in half the time and use less water. But all it is really doing is not allowing the crop enough time to hit its mature age to use it for food. Not allowing the crop to grow enough is taking the richness out of the crop. “Genetically engineering may accelerate the damaging effects of agriculture, have the same impact as conventional agriculture, or contribute to more sustainable agricultural practices and the conservation of natural resources, including biodiversity.( Green Facts).” Genetic Modifying could also produce unknown allegerys to many around the world. And it also means that if a farmer plants a crop with the same DNA and one of the plants comes up with a fungus it will be harder for that farmer to trace back to the plant that had the fungus because it would have the same DNA make up. “Genetic engineering often uses genes for antibiotic resistance as "selectable markers," and most genetically engineered foods carry fully functioning antibiotic resistance genes. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), eating these foods could reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics to fight disease.”
So the next time you go down your favorite aisle in the grocery picking up things to make dinner read the label. Because you don’t know what could be put into your food. You could possibly have the apple that was apart of a genetically modifying experiment.
Americans and Television
When the television was first invented in 1953 no one knew how the TV would impact the rest of the world. Some believed that the television was just a fade and would soon disappear. But many people were completely wrong. The television has become the most popular tool of entertainment around the world about 98percent of individuals has a television sitting inside their home.
With the invention of the television in American homes more people started to spend les time with their love ones either at home or outside getting involved in a physical active. According to a UC Berkeley study “Americans spend 170 minutes a day watching TV and about 2percent of that time is spent doing outside actives” (Sarah Yang). America also has the highest obesity rate in the world. With many Americans sitting in front of the TV they lose precious time spending with their love ones.
The more time we spend in front of the idiot box the more we lose connection with reality. We end up thinking the TV shows we watch on a day to day basis is so real we start to incorporate it into our real world lives. We try to socialize with other people our own age; we find that the conversations are only about what television did you watch. And wondering what the TV writers will give us next week. We neglect the important things of life; we don’t take time out to smell the first grass being cut. For those who are young and watch too much TV they end up doing horrible with their school work. Young kids keep wondering when they go home what TV are they going to watch and with that they don’t do their home and pay little attention in their life.
The new generation has brought us new technology and better TV sets. And many individuals’ computer skills have improved dramatically to allow the common person to log on to the internet to view their favorite television show on the internet. With all this new technology the world has become a world that depends on the internet for everything like the TV. Americans and people across the globe have become more tuned out of what is really happening with a lot of governments to get away with horrible acts of evil.
The corporate world has gotten into the TV business. Every year for the Super bowel more Americans watch TV than any major televised show. This is the time where many different corporate giants try to compete for new consumers to get addicted to their fantasy products. The way the corporate giants communicate with so many new consumers is through the box that is sitting in so many Americans homes around the country. They use flashy commercials and catchy slogans to communicate with their soon to be new consumers to get them to buy UN health products. So they next time you are watch your teaching remember who is putting through that comical to your house hold.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Deepest Fear
Last year in my English class we were told to read a book called IT by Stephen King for Christmas Break and to be done by the time we returned from break. I thought it was going to be a easy read for me but i was completely wrong. I started to read the book on a six hour bus ride to northern California to visit my uncle. I open the book and began to read the first chapter was o.k it was talking about a storm that hit a small town , it was until i reached pg23 in the book where everything turned wrong for me the author introduced a crazy clown. The clown named it killed people. (Growing up i was always scared of clowns .I think it's the make people use to look like clown that just does not sit well with my imagination.) I had to stop reading after the clown killed the little boy. After i closed the book i started to look at the places we were passing by on the bus. My eyes started to close and i found myself asleep. I was dreaming i was in a yellow rain coat and rain boots following a paper boat that i made. I was trying to keep up with it when it went down the gutter. I thought my boat was lost for good, then i saw this clown in the gutter. IT was telling me that all i had to was to reach to him to grab the boat out of his hand. I told him it was o.k . I started to walk away when IT grab my ankle and pulled me towards him he started to say "Everything floats down hear Cherise , everything floats down hear." I started to scream and that's when i woke up. I saw my brother looking at me like just stolen something of his. Everyone on the bus was looking at me. I felt so embarrassed like i just wanted to disappear. It only got worse when my uncle came to pick us up from the bus station.We got in around 6p.m and he decided to take us to see a movie. It happen to be Nightmare on Elm street. I sat through a two hour horror movie with out screaming i was very proud of myself. when we were down he drove us back to his house to settle down for the night. Both me and my brother slept down stairs in the living room. It was around midnight when i had the dream again only this time it involved Freddy and IT. They were both chasing me down a very dark street. When i finally woke up i found myself breathing fast and lying in my own pool of sweet. I looked around in the darkness and found my uncle's dog and my brother sleeping o.k. I threw my shoe at my mother to wake him to try to talk to him and all him told me was to go back to sleep and never try to through my shoe at him again if i wanted to see another day. After i kept thinking to my self that my mother was with me.

Ten Haikou’s
I like birthday cake.
I like ice cream how about you.
I like cookies, milk.
Moon comes at night.
Lights shine so bright you can hardly see.
What do you do now?
What is life who knows?
Is life a bowl of ice cream.
Who really knows the true meaning?
It calls many names.
The beauty of night inspires many.
You can’t run from it.
A mother is a home.
She watches over me everydayShe is more than a friend.
Water is a friend.
It calms you down and power.
Water is knowledge.
We walk together as one.
Not knowing what the world will bring.
Always seeing new things.
The clouds start to come early.
Rain comes down to touch many.
The old is washing away.
The new is turned to old.
People see what they want.
We see new things with new things.
Who likes new things?
People like water and ice.
The sun brings heat and drying.
Imagine you had hundred dollars, but you could not keep it.
I was walking my usually way to school when I had saw something that caught my eye. I picked up the object, at first i thought it was a one dollar bill. I said to myself i had money to get lunch today. Then i realized the money had some dust on it. So i brushed the remaining dust off then i saw two zeros behind the one. I thought to myself what was i going to do with the money i found. This was the most money i had every held in my hand. I started to hear my mother's voice when i started to think the ways i could spend the money. My mother use to tell me that if i every found money on the street that was a sign from god that i should share it with the less fortunate. I took my mother's advise to heart and went to the nearest grocery store and but 100 dollars worth of lunches and pass it out to all the homeless people that i saw on the street. I realized how good it felt to share with other people.
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