Sunday, October 17, 2010

Americans and Television

When the television was first invented in 1953 no one knew how the TV would impact the rest of the world. Some believed that the television was just a fade and would soon disappear. But many people were completely wrong. The television has become the most popular tool of entertainment around the world about 98percent of individuals has a television sitting inside their home.
         With the invention of the television in American homes more people started to spend les time with their love ones either at home or outside getting involved in a physical active. According to a UC Berkeley study “Americans spend 170 minutes a day watching TV and about 2percent of that time is spent doing outside actives” (Sarah Yang). America also has the highest obesity rate in the world. With many Americans sitting in front of the TV they lose precious time spending with their love ones.
        The more time we spend in front of the idiot box the more we lose connection with reality.  We end up thinking the TV shows we watch on a day to day basis is so real we start to incorporate it into our real world lives. We try to socialize with other people our own age; we find that the conversations are only about what television did you watch. And wondering what the TV writers will give us next week.  We neglect the important things of life; we don’t take time out to smell the first grass being cut. For those who are young and watch too much TV they end up doing horrible with their school work.  Young kids keep wondering when they go home what TV are they going to watch and with that they don’t do their home and pay little attention in their life.
        The new generation has brought us new technology and better TV sets. And many individuals’ computer skills have improved dramatically to allow the common person to log on to the internet to view their favorite television show on the internet. With all this new technology the world has become a world that depends on the internet for everything like the TV. Americans and people across the globe have become more tuned out of what is really happening with a lot of governments to get away with horrible acts of evil.
       The corporate world has gotten into the TV business. Every year for the Super bowel more Americans watch TV than any major televised show.  This is the time where many different corporate giants try to compete for new consumers to get addicted to their fantasy products. The way the corporate giants communicate with so many new consumers is through the box that is sitting in so many Americans homes around the country. They use flashy commercials and catchy slogans to communicate with their soon to be new consumers to get them to buy UN health products. So they next time you are watch your teaching remember who is putting through that comical to your house hold. 

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