Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I plan a birthday party for my best friend.

The time is 1:00 p.m and i am in the last class for the day with my friends my bestfriends birthday is the day after tommorrw and i do not know what to do should i do the usually and just tell her that i left her gift at hoem. No i think i will not go for that again last time she killed me and i never knew what was coming. Or should i try something new. I think this time I will rent out a local aid space in the newspapper and say "Can anyone help me with my problem i need any ideas to give my bestfriend for her birthday." No i don't think that will work i think this time i am just going to through her a party with all my friends. I stay up late to  call all my friends my ideal. I start my calling Ayisha and then the last person on my list is Jenny. The plan is set we will come to school early to hide all the foods. And at lunch time we will pretend that we don't know it's her birthday. and then when she just gets made enough we surprise her with the things we got.


  1. 'i ' I
    'my friends' comma or something. Don't want it to be a run-on.

  2. I am able to understand the point of the piece but there are some grammatical errors with run-on sentences. This sounds more of how someone would talk in person trying to tell a story.
