Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Vegetable that I truly dislike.

The vegetable that I dislike with a passion is name the yam. It is old with a oblong shape like a potato but taste very different the yam has a very sweet taste that the potato has. My first in counter with the vegetable was when my mother was making gumbo for dinner and decide to put yams in the soup instead of sticking with the normal meat and rice . I  remember like it was yesterday I  was already to dig into the fresh soup my mother made for dinner. What I thought was a potato that I was putting into my plate ended up being a yam that i didn't know at that  time. One mouth full of soup into my mouth I chopped down on something that was very sweet and at first look before the spoon was into my mouth i didn't know nothing about a yam. My mother made me look it up and what i found I didn't like. The yam from that day forward has been the vegetable that i dislike because of the sweetness that it carries to the tongue and the rest of my body.

1 comment:

  1. Indent please :0
    'with a passion ' so you're passionte about disliking yams? I suggest strongly dislike instead.
    'name' named
    'potato but' comma after potato
    'different[.] [T]the yam has a very sweet taste that[than] the potato has.'
    'yesterday I was' period after yesterday.
    'i' captitalize
    'first look before the spoon was into my mouth i didn't know nothing about a yam' suggest fixing...sound confusing.
    Overall, good post :)
