Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The perfect Community.

Imagine a place where little kids could walk outside and not get shot. A place where families can live and work side by side. No one is different in fact the world word different does not exist because everyone is accepting. Communities are usual a place for everone to in unisen with each other where there is no fighting and no crimne. But does this really happen in the worl. NO..................................... we live in a society where their is a bad and a good. there is a saying where there is light there is darkness.  But one day if we become more able to accept people and have a equal amount of job we may one day have a community where we all can live side by side with no crime.


  1. This is a sucky community too many seless people

  2. 'different[comma or period] in fact '
    'accepting' accepting what?
    'usual' usually
    '..................................... ' O_o
    'there ' There
    'job' jobs
    Overall, good blog :) Though...it sounds kind of deppressing. I spelled that right...did I?
